Smart Water Management through Agri-Tech Approach
Water, once an abundant natural resource, has become a more valuable commodity due to droughts, overuse, and improper water management . Lack of Water resources has forced many farmer communities to move out of the agricultural sector while others have shifted from food crops to timber crops. Farmers today can use the benefits of Farmsio Smart Water Management Systems using the Agri-Tech solutions to mitigate the climate-smart farming practices. The modern Digital AG-Tech methods use minimal water to irrigate the crops and by reducing the potential leaching and overusing the groundwater. Smart Water Management Conservation Methods: 1. Conserve Water using floating solar floatovoltaics: Reducing evaporation and conserving water using the floating Solar photovoltaics method has proved to deliver a positive impact on water conservation. This works by putting floating solar panels on the water bodies like irrigation dams, canals, rivers, and ponds. According...