Importance of Farmsio Marketplace Module


Farmsio’s Farm Management SoftwareMarketplace Module acts as a platform enabling Farmer groups, Farm Producing Organisation FPO’s and allied agricultural business investors to purchase the farm inputs like Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Machinery, etc and sell their farm output effortlessly to the consumer and get benefit by reducing the farm-level food waste



This AgriTech Digital Market Linkage module is designed to connect the producer (farmer) to the end consumer and stakeholders for hassle-free, profitable and sustainable agribusiness transactions.


The Role of Farmsio’s Farm Management Software – Market Place Module:


  1. Farmsio marketplace facilitates both purchasing of inputs and also offering produce to sale to various buyers

  2. Its supports the aggregator modules.

  3. Facilities market linkage and buyers discovery

  4. Promotes livelihood of farmers.

  5. Marketplace modules have inbuilt inventory, dispatch and monitoring stock


Farmsio MarketPlace Module Helps in ;


  1. Market Facilitation:

Farmsio marketplace facilitates both purchasing of inputs, processing it and offer the end products to sell to various buyers.


One of the prime objectives of Farmsio Market Place Module is Market Facilitation


2. Farmer Aggregator Module:

Farmsio Farm management Software supports the Farmer Aggregator Model. Farm aggregator connects the small farm holders with all the stakeholders in the Contract Farming.


Farmsio FMS Marketplace module supports Farm Aggregator system


3. Market Linkage & Buyer Discovery:

FMS – Market Place Module facilities market linkage and buyers discovery


Farmsio Farm Management Software Marketplace module facilitate Market Linkage & Buyer Discovery


4. Boost Farm Income: 

Promotes livelihood of farmers by improving physical access to market, increasing information access, train the marginal farmers with knowledge, skill and information regarding the quality, ability to understand the market change for gain better strategic outcomes. 

Boost Farmer’s income through Farmsio’s FMS - Marketplace Module



5. Marketplace Module with Inventory, Dispatch and Monitoring: 


Marketplace modules have inbuilt inventory, dispatch and monitoring stock


Farmsio Marketplace module with inventory, dispatch and monitoring functions


How does Farmsio’s Marketplace Module benefit the Farmers?


The marketplace module is one of the integrated features of Farmsio’s Farm management Software module.


  • During covid, Farmsio marketplace module facilitates farmers to sell their products and helps in buyers discovery

  • Marketplace provides provision for quality check of produce.

  • Marketplace Module benefited both from selling inputs to farmers and also facilitates produce sales from farmers.




In the Farmsio Farm Management Software (FMS) Marketplace Module – The transactions are held between the farmer – the producer, who is at the centre of the entire AgriBusiness system and the dealer of farm input i.e Farm Aggregator and the consumer and trader of farm output.

The invention of the IoT for Agriculture Marketplace module provides the farmers with the information of market unique requirements and plan the cultivation accordingly to sell their products with better market linkage at a better price.


Farmsio’s Farm Management Software – Marketplace Module platform is aimed at transforming Agribusiness with modern Agriculture Technology (AgriTech) Strategies to boost the overall efficiency of the Farm Output and elevate the farmers’ livelihood through Climate-Smart Agriculture


Digital Farming will make Sustainable Agriculture Practices a new Normal!


For More Details on Digital Agricultural Transformation – Contact Farmsio or Request for a Demo 


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